Suburbia: Out of the Danger Zone
How much does danger fuel our training of others for kingdom-of-God work?
Oops! Did I write "danger"? What's gotten into me?
In Mark 1:14 we read, "After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee...'Come, follow me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' "
John, the forerunner, was imprisoned. Danger.
This triggered Jesus into aggressive calling and training of others. Discipling.
In Mark 3:6 we read, "Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus." A few verses later Mark informs us, "He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons" (verses 3:14-15).
A plot to murder Jesus is hatched. Danger.
Jesus selects and begins training the Twelve. Discipling.
Between Mark 3:6 and 3:13 we learn that people were swarming to Jesus from all over--from the north, south, east and west. The Jerusalem religious mafia was thoroughly informed about Jesus' fame and impact. The danger is taking a life of its own.
But that was then. This is now...
It's seven p.m. The living room is cozy. What is USAmerican discipleship like, particularly in suburbia? How much urgency permeates the process? Is there any urgency at all that is ignited by real danger? We sip our coffee, eat our snacks, and read our "lessons" and fill in the blanks of our cool workbooks, wondering if this will be over before "24" starts. Oh, there's the urgency. There is more danger and urgency in a one hour TV show than there is in a whole year of Americanized, suburbanized discipleship.
Why the urgency and danger in an artificial show like "24"? Probably in order to show that with terrorism lives are at stake. Oh.
Good thing lives are not at stake in Christian discipleship. We can vicariously live urgently and dangerously through "Lost," "24," or "CSI."
Back to our version of dicipleship:
1. Jesus chose how many disciples? ________ Why that number?
[Oooo, oooo, I know. Pick me, pick me!]
2. What does the word "disciple" mean? (circle one)
clergy person/missionary/person likely to get killed
3. Extra credit: who is discipling you?
4. Extra, extra credit: who are you discipling?
[workbooks are for sale]
I smell the coffee. Isn't this fun? What time is it?
Danger? You've got to be kiddin' me. I'm into the pleasure-driven life. Oops! I'm sorry. Did I write "pleasure"? I meant....
Labels: discipleship